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Bershaw Consultancy

Industry : Customer Service, Sales, Finance & Insurance, Clerical & Administrative, Banking & Investments, IT & Services, Legal, Healthcare, Property Management, Call Center & BPO, Accounting, Manufacturing, Maintenance Tech, Warehouse & Distribution, Engineering &
Address : 7th Ave. cor. Lane T, Unit 524, Taguig, Metro Manila 1209, PH Taguig
Phone : 0949 065 8782


Bershaw Consultancy has been providing an efficient, effective and enjoyable staffing experience to job-seekers and employers since 2012. We know that a resume is important, but it’s also just a piece of paper. Our job as consultants is to understand the needs of the employers and job seekers to help bring together the perfect match in expertise, skill and personality. Offering quality recruitment services to place the right people with the right jobs in the Philippines. Whether you are looking to hire new staff or to find a new job, we’re here to help you succeed. Call us up to arrange a meeting. We’ll have your hiring or job-seeking needs met in no time by one of our professional consultants.

2 Job Openings

Accounting Supervisor 13 days ago
Taguig - Banking and Finance - (negotiable)
Audit Head 13 days ago
Pasig - Banking and Finance - (negotiable)